Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Post 9 A Perfect Meal

-- Home Made Banku             


Banku /Akple: Fermented corn/cassava dough mixed proportionally and cooked in hot water into a smooth, whitish consistent paste. Served with soup, stew or a pepper sauce with fish.

How To Prepare Banku

  • What you need
  • six to eight cups of corn (maize)
  •  flour or cornmeal (ground corn or ground maize);
  •  (White cornmeal is preferred, it should be finely ground, like flour.
  •  Latin American style corn flour, as is used in tortillas,
  •  tamales,
  •  pupusas, etc. is the right kind); for Banku only: a similar amount of equal parts corn flour and grated cassava tuber may be substituted.

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