Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Post 1 My Favorite Foods

My Favorite Foods

       In Ghana there are many foods to eat and they taste so good you will die when you try it. My three Favorite foods from my country is Jollof rice, fried yams, kenkey, kebab and more.They are prepared easily, and very delicious. Moreover, they can be prepared in different ways and mostly all of them in onions. However, Jollof rice needs rice of course, a can of tomatoes and spices. It’s really easy. I can make it myself. Also kebab is made out of meat, onions, spices, and green pepper. Fried yams is the easiest, all you have to do is fry it and you eat it with fish and some pepper. My favorite one is kebab because it tastes so good and you will keep on eating it if you have to. Moreover, fried yams and jollof rices are also the best! Every Ghanaian kid loves jollof rice for some reason because it just taste so freaking good. However, it depends on how you cook it. Some might cook it bad, some might cook it very very good like me and my parents.

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